Greggory A. Kinzer, DDS, MSD
Dr. Greggory Kinzer is a gifted academician and clinician and is considered an expert in restorative and esthetic dentistry around the world. His interdisciplinary approach to dentistry is founded in both empirical research and clinical experience. He attended the University of Washington for both his undergraduate and graduate studies where he received his D.D.S. degree in 1995 and an M.S.D. and certificate in Prosthodontics in 1998.

Jill E. Kinzer, DDS
Dr. Jill Kinzer is a distinguished graduate of the University of Washington Dental School, class of 1999. Since that time, she has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to advancing and refining her clinical expertise, techniques, and dental knowledge. Dr. Kinzer’s relentless pursuit of excellence led her to complete the advanced curriculum at Spear Education, where she now serves as a mentor, imparting her knowledge in hands-on courses to fellow professionals.

Frank M. Spear, DDS, MSD
Dr Spear is the founder of Spear Education in Scottsdale, AZ and although now retired from clinical dentistry, he continues to be recognized as one of the premier educators in esthetic and restorative dentistry in the world today. Dr. Spear earned his dental degree from the University of Washington in 1979, and an MSD in periodontal prosthodontics in 1982, also from the University of Washington.